Keep children safe on Crossdale Drive
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have written to you in the past with our concerns about a child being killed or injured on Crossdale Drive due to reckless and / or inconsiderate motorists bringing their children to school. The situation seems as bad as ever and we have recently received a number of complaints from concerned residents, visitors and parents. The note below was received this week and is typical of the concerns expressed by residents.
Please consider this matter very carefully and drive around Crossdale Drive in a way that is considerate to residents and mindful of children’s safety.
The document attached below details ways you might be able to help improve the situation.
Mr Cresswell & Miss Seedhouse
Note received by school Jan 2018:
As a constant user of Crossdale Drive (my elderly mother lives there ), I would like to comment on the number of cars parking on the road. Parents are not always considerate to driveways and although I try to avoid school drop off and pick up times it is sometimes necessary to access my mother’s house at these times. She has limited walking ability now and I need to park on her drive. This is sometimes impossible due to the proximity of parked cars.
I understand all the issues involved with dropping off and picking up children as I have to access this at my local primary with my grand-children. My mother also enjoys the good relationship which the school has with the residents of Crossdale Drive, always being notified of any excess traffic expected due to school events. This is handled well and with sensitivity.
However this morning, 22nd January, the parking was very inconsiderate and on attempting to drive around the loop road there were cars parked on either side of the road and it was only just passable with extreme care. It struck me that there would be a very serious issue with an emergency vehicle traversing the route should that be necessary. An ambulance or a fire engine would be unable to pass through. I would not wish a parents car to be damaged in this situation but I think the emergency vehicles may have no choice !!
I only bring this issues to your notice to bear in mind and remind parents. I do envisage that my mother will be less able in the coming years (she is very elderly ) and the access I need will be more frequent and I will need to be on the drive. Many thanks for your consideration in this matter.