Director Vacancy for EQT

Dear Parents/Carers
Vacancy on Equals Trust Board of Directors
Equals Trust was two years old on 1 September, 2018. When the Trust was set up, we were very lucky to have a full complement of Directors, all with the skills we needed to support the strategic direction of the new organisation. Things inevitably change over two years and we currently have a vacancy on our Trust Board following the resignation of Alex Demetriou, who was our Community Director. Alex continues to be heavily involved in the work of the Trust as a Member and as a governor but holding three positions was not sustainable for him.
Directors are volunteers, but essential for the governance of the Trust. We are looking for an individual who will be able to support Equals Trust and our nine (soon to be ten) member schools, operating at a strategic rather than individual school level. The Board of Directors makes decisions that affect the whole Trust, including all member schools and the Central Trust Team. Directors are expected to attend a minimum of six meetings per year and may be asked to get involved in other aspects of the Board’s work.
We know that you are busy people, but we also recognise that you support your children’s learning and are dedicated to our schools and the communities they serve. We also know that you have a wealth of skills and experience that could support the Trust strategically. Therefore we would like to invite expressions of interest from parents who feel they could fill our Director vacancy.
If you would like to express an interest in our vacancy, I would welcome a letter from you that I can present to the Trust Board of Directors, which outlines the skills and experience you have. Our Community Director should have experience of talking to stakeholders and an understanding of how education fits into and can support communities. All applications should be sent to me at the address above by Monday 15 October, 2018. I will then work through them with a small group of directors and communicate with you regarding our next steps.
Equals Trust is a Trust based on a collaborative ethos, with children at the centre of all our decision making. We devolve a considerable proportion of decisions to local governing bodies and our Leadership Group, which comprises of all our headteachers and CEO. Directors are focussed on decisions that are made for the benefit of all schools across the Trust. If you would like any further information about the vacancy, please contact me on (0115) 9143211 (office), 07843 349746 (mobile), or (email).
Yours faithfully
Catherine Cox (Mrs)
Trust Administration and Governance Manager
27 September, 2018