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Critical Worker Update (09/02/21)

Dear Parents,

As we respond to the latest school closure announced on Monday 4th January, we continue to receive guidance and information from the government.

I wrote to you on Sunday to update you with a detail added to the critical worker guidance on Friday afternoon, ‘Children with at least one parent or carer who is a critical worker can go to school or college if required, but parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can.’

Acknowledging the higher than expected numbers of pupils attending school, and concerns about community transmission rates, Matt Hancock has now urged key workers not to send their children to school if they can manage at home. The health secretary told Sky News: “If you’re a key worker and your partner doesn’t work then you shouldn’t be sending your children to school. That’s clear in the guidance.”

I  understand the latest statement from Matt Hancock will only apply to a few families. I am not sending this information to make parents feel guilty or to contradict information that employers have sent out – these are challenging times for everyone, but I have a responsibility to share guidance with you and urge parents not send their children to school whilst transmission rates are so high unless it is necessary.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Mr Cresswell



NB Please read Thursday's blog if you missed it: PROOF OF CRITICAL WORKER STATUS