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Crossdale will be closed to all pupils on Monday 4th January

Dear Parents,

A number of staff have made the difficult decision to write to me this afternoon outlining that under section 44 of the Health and Safety act 1974 they will not be attending school for the foreseeable future due to the rise in coronavirus infections over Christmas. The exception they have stated is being in school supporting the learning of key worker and vulnerable children where necessary.

As a consequence, there will be significant disruption to face to face learning from tomorrow. In fact, the timing of the letters and union advice means that Crossdale will be closed to all pupils tomorrow – sadly at this late stage we are not even able to confirm how we will open safely to the children of keyworkers and vulnerable children from tomorrow. Nottinghamshire County Council have suggested that schools might need to close to pupils given the timing of these events, so we will not be alone in remaining closed tomorrow.

Along with other senior leaders I will spend the rest of the day and tomorrow planning a way forward to support our children and families in these unprecedented and unfortunate circumstances. Later today, we will send out a survey for keyworkers and vulnerable children with the aim of offering provision in school for those groups, at the very least, from Tuesday. We will also offer remote learning on Monday to all children and going forward for those children whose classes are closed – this is likely to be most pupils in most year groups.

I do not underestimate the disruption this late notice will cause families and I sincerely apologise for the late notice, inconvenience and disruption to your children’s learning.

Windmills Childcare pre-school will be open as normal with wrap around care for pre-school children operating from the bungalow.


Peter Cresswell




  • Crossdale will be closed to all pupils tomorrow
  • A survey for keyworker and vulnerable children will be sent out later today
  • We will offer keyworker and vulnerable children provision, at the very least, in school from Tuesday.
  • We will offer remote learning from Monday.
  • I will write to parents again tomorrow updating them on plans for Tuesday and beyond