How do we reduce the risk of a child being injured in a road traffic accident?

Please park safely, considerately and away from school to help ensure the children of Crossdale remain safe. Parking on the pavement is also dangerous to children and other motorists; furthermore, emergency vehicles may not be able to pass – this could cause grave consequences.
You will notice that white lines are painted outside school to indicate where cars should not park or stop. The position of the lines was carefully considered by the Local Authority to minimise the risk of a child crossing in a place where the view of motorists might be obstructed by parked cars. By parking on the lines, the risk of a child being injured or killed will be greatly increased.
According to research by Road Safety Analysis, in 2014, there were more than 800 serious and fatal injuries to children during the morning and afternoon period.
Please remember to help us to reduce traffic around school by using one of the following strategies:
- Park and Stride – Park at the ‘Pear Tree’ pub and complete the journey on foot. (I’m sure it goes without saying that they will accept no liability for any losses which may occur on the car park. We are very grateful that the Pear Tree allow us to use their car park – please show courtesy and consideration to the owners and customers)
- Five Minute Zone - Park outside of the Adams Hill, Crossdale Drive or Brockwood Crescent area and complete the journey on foot.
- One Way System – Come towards school on Crossdale Drive and leave on Brockwood Crescent.
Only staff and those parents with permission due to disability should drive past the entrance to Brockwood Drive and into the area with yellow zig-zag lines.
Please also try to show courtesy and consideration for the residents of Crossdale Drive and the surrounding roads. We get frequent complaints from residents who feel that Crossdale parents park and drive in an inconsiderate manner.