Young Voices 2020!

Just over a month left until our concert in Manchester on the 31st January! YV Music Room login details.
Hi all,
Choir have been working tirelessly this term, singing away on Monday lunchtimes in preparation for our Young Voices concert. The children have gone from strength to strength each week and are learning more and more of the songs that we will perform at the concert. I will be in touch in January with more information about the day of the concert itself. I am planning to hold a rehearsal after school just before the concert to do one final practice - details of this will also be confirmed in the new year. Tickets for parents who are coming along to watch the concert that night went home with your child before the holidays.
For now, please see below for a reminder of the login information for the YV Children's Music Room, which contains all of the lyric videos for your child to have a practise and sing along to at home. Feel free to join in!
You will need to search for the Young Voices Music Room, or follow this link:
You will then need to enter the code, which is YV2020.
Happy singing!