Reading Morning Reminder

Just a reminder that on Wednesday morning, grown ups are invited to join us in the morning for a reading session. Mrs Westie has been popping this on the Crossdale News and has included further detail today.
We would love for KS2 grown ups to join us at 9:00am and for KS1 grown ups to join us at 10:45am. The session will begin with a brief talk in the hall, before going to your child's classroom for the lesson.
In the lesson, teachers will show you the structure of our Whole Class Reading sessions and how we use our reading toolkit and VIPERS to teach your children specific and progressive reading skills, while also promoting a love of reading. Teachers will hand out various resources to enable you to further help your child when hearing them read at home, that specifically link with the way we teach reading at school.
We look forward to seeing you Wednesday and showing you our love of reading at Crossdale!
Miss Jackson and Mrs Jones