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Children starting in Reception, September 2019

In light of feedback from parents and a review of our induction plan, we have revised the arrangements for your child starting in September. There will now be a shorter part-time phase with your child starting full time on Monday 9th September. The new arrangements are:

  • Wed 4th September: 9-12 noon
  • Thur 5th September: 9-1pm
  • Fri 6th September: 9-1pm (followed by a tea-party)
  • Mon 9th September: 9.3.30pm (Full time)

We would also like to invite you to join us for a tea-party from 1pm on the 6th September, after you have collected your child. This will be a chance to meet other parents, including members of our PTA, enjoy some tea and cake and ask any questions you might have about your child’s start to school or life at Crossdale.