Book Week

Next week is an exciting week at Crossdale!
We will be celebrating book week with lots of fun activities linked to reading and story telling. Each day, children will be joining in with book related English lessons, class story swaps and story telling activities. Here are the key dates for you diary:
Thursday: dress up day - please send your child dressed up in a book themed costumed for the day.
Friday: VIPERS session - you are invited into the classroom from 9am to find out a bit more about the VIPERS sessions we do and see teachers engaging children with this. VIPERS sessions happen several times a week in every class and aim to improve children's comprehension and understanding. We would love you to join your child's class to do some activities linked to this.
Friday is also the deadline for the Reading Challenge Booklets and for competition entries for photos of children reading in unusual places (this challenge is in the Reading Challenge Booklet). Thanks for those that we have already had in.
Any questions, please ask,
Crossdale Team