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Crossdale Fun Run Marathon Challenge

What is it? 

The Crossdale Fun Run Marathon Challenge will be our very own race starting in the spring term. Children are invited to take part by completing 1 mile (3 laps of the field) at a time and tick off each mile as they complete them. - the aim is to complete a marathon! There is no time limit to complete marathon, children are encouraged to take part and run it at their own pace. 

If you want to take part in the Crossdale Fun Run Marathon Challenge all you will need to do is  meet the sports leaders on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime at 12.40pm. At your first run you will collect a Crossdale Fun Run Marathon Challenge card (below) and then each time you run, the sports leaders will fill in your miles - so remember to bring your card to every run! 

As you tick of your miles you will earn little tokens of recognition to help keep you motivated to carry on. After 6 miles you will receive a sticker, after 13 miles you will receive a run fun band and after completing the marathon you will receive a medal and certificate. Speak to mr sanders