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ARCHIVE: Pine Class

You can find  news from Pine Class here. Pine class had their final year at Crossdale in 2021...

April 2018

  • Year 4 Scientific Explorers

    Published 25/04/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Using identification keys to classify minibeasts!

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  • Maths Morning in Year 4

    Published 20/04/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Great to have parents in class with us!

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  • Year 4 Curriculum Map

    Published 20/04/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • First day back

    Published 16/04/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Welcome back!

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  • Easter Egg Hunt

    Published 16/04/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Hello all - here are some pictures from our Easter Egg hunt that we did before the Easter holidays - the pictures have made it onto the blog now. The children did a great job of searching for the hidden eggs - and I'm sure that they were equally speedy spotting any eggs that were hidden for them over the break! 

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    Published 15/04/18, by Evie Rodriguez

    Music club on as normal tomorrow (16.4.18)

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  • Easter Jobs

    Published 10/04/18, by Jonathan Brierley

    Hello everyone, I hope that you are all having a great break and enjoying your time with family and friends. Just to remind you, I have set a mymaths homework to help keep those maths brains ticking over the Easter holidays, and this is due in the first Friday back (20th April) so you have time to ask me for help if you need it. Also I hope that everyone has been doing the most important homework that I set you - that is having a good rest and enjoying time with family and friends! 

    Take care and see you all soon - oh and if anyone hasn't yet taken their photograph for our 'get caught reading' display, take it this week as we will be putting the pics up on display during the first week back. 

    Have a great week, Mr Brierley. 

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