Homework WB 12.01.25

I hope you're all having a great weekend so far.
We have enjoyed our first week back and have heard all about your fantastic Christmas holidays. It has been lovely to start new topics and see the children really excited about their learning.
*Reading - Puffins are such a hard-working class and have settled back into daily phonics and reading routines. As usual, books are always swapped on Mondays and Thursdays and as mentioned previously, please re-read those books a few times. We have noticed lots of the children need to really work on 'Fred in your head' instead of sounding out every word. If you notice this, just remind them to Fred in head! Thanks to all the families and children who completed the videos that were sent before the break.
*Spelling this week is Spring 1, Week 2: /ar/ - car, start, park, arm, garden, artist, star, are*, were*, our*. Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games to help get to know these words really well.
*Doodle - We have moved up the leader board to second place - whoo! We are now just 5% behind the Penguins (Year 3). Nearly there, Puffins! Keep working hard on your assignments and 5 a day challenges.
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
Mrs Jones