Homework WB 02.12.24

Wishing you a happy weekend - another few busy weeks ahead before the holidays so I just wanted to be super organised with your homework post!
*Don't forget your carol concert tickets for the 11th / 12th December - we look forward to singing to you then!
*Reading - We will be beginning our next phonics assessments next week. At some point this week or next, we will re-assess your child and re-group them. I will send home new links to videos for the holidays to help keep them going and be really clear with you about the gaps your child has. Hopefully you find this really useful as you know the cards to put in your pack to re-cap. It certainly is all helping the children to be confident and quick readers. Puffins are such a hard-working class and we are so proud of how well they are doing with their reading - keep up the good work! As usual, books are always swapped on Mondays and Thursdays and as mentioned previously, please re-read those books a few times. Over the holidays, we will send you home with a few to keep you busy (ier!).
*Spelling this week is Autumn 2, Week 5: /ea/ sea, dream, meat, each, scream, read, head, bread, meant, instead. Please use the week 5 spelling sheet in your homework packs to complete your paper task.
*Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games. You might have spotted that sometimes there are extra words on Spelling Shed. We like to try to remind chn of previous spellings to they return to them - this helps to embed the patterns. Particularly on weeks where the children have found words tricky. They are bonus words!
*Doodle - For the fourth week running, Puffins are the top users of doodle in school - wow! Keep being brilliant, Puffins and look out for the winter challenge.
*Just a reminder - your new homework topic linking to The Great Fire of London is in your new homework pack - there is still time to complete this, and you do only need to choose one task that really appeals to your child.
*We will collect homework from next week (Thursday 12th) and we will make a comment on the completed tasks and then give you a new pack for the next half-term.
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
Mrs Jones