Our drama morning

We had a wonderful morning today re-enacting the events of the Great Fire of London. Steven (or Samuel Pepys as he became, famous diary writer of 1666) told us about life at the time with the plague, with the hobbies that were popular at the time, what the dress was like, as well as teaching us about perriwigs for the wealthy and long hair tied in a ponytail for the poorer people. We then got dressed up with a fabulous King Charles and Thomas Farrinor (the fire started at his bakery that fateful night in September of 1666) and as residents of London - don't the children all look amazing?!
Together, the children found out about how the houses were made out of wood, how they were close together and how a big wind kept the fire going! The children got into teams to try to put the fire out using water from the River Thames but of course it was no good. Finally, the King was advised to bloe some of the buildings up. Then, London was re-built - but this time using bricks!
What a great launch for our next topic. The children were so excited to have this workshop today and got a lot out of it. I know they cannot wait to begin learning about this after half-term; I am very excited to teach them about this, too.
Mrs Jones