Autumn Term 1 Information Post

We are looking forward to welcoming your children into Year 1. We enjoyed spending time with them in July and are excited to work with both you and them.
Please find below some important curriculum information for the first half-term. This includes:
*Knowledge organiser for science (Wonderful Me)
*Curriculum map (outlining all of our learning for the first half term)
*Spelling words overview
*Topic homework (to be completed at some point this half term)
*Maths KIRFs - Key facts we will be focusing on in maths this term and good things to reinforce at home.
From Year 1, children are given passwords for doodle maths assignments and for spelling shed. We will give those to you in the first week. You will find daily / weekly activities on there to help support learning in school. We also have homework folders for the children which includes a spelling activity for each week and on the back, a short 'special' homework activity.
We also have a lovely morning planned with Partake Theatre Company in October. There will be more details and a payment available for you in September for this.
We look forward to seeing you at the Base One meeting in September.
Best wishes for a happy (and sunny!) summer.
Mrs Jones & Mrs Morgan