Two Important Messages

The children might have told you about our collecting beans in a jar for a class treat day. With the children's excellent behaviour this week, we collected the final few beans and filled the jar! To help the children understand how voting works, we gave all children in the class a cube and a choice of three great days they might like. The day with the most votes was camp/explorer day. Your child can come to school in non-school uniform next Monday (15th July) - we plan to be outside for most of the day, so please make sure that they are dressed in clothes for outdoor play.
In our school summer production of 'The Greatest Show', Reception are going to be part of the travelling fair. Please could the children bring in some brightly coloured clothes to join in with this by Monday 15th July. Please ensure clothes (shorts, t-shirt, leotard) come into school in a bag labelled clearly with their name. If they'd like to accessorise with a tutu, headband, wristbands, leg warmers, that would be great but not necessary. We hope this will be easy to gather and will not require you to spend extra money.
As with the Christmas concert, Reception will go on stage at the beginning of the show. For the evening performances, once they have finished, there will be a short interlude to the concert where children will either sit with their parents at the concert or be collected from the Lime Trees (out of school club) door by their parents. If your child is attending the performances, and you are not watching, it is important that a parent is able to collect their child as promptly as possible so that staff can get back into the concert to supervise other classes.
As always, don't hesitate to talk to us if you have any concerns.
Thank you for your support.
The Reception Team