Welcome back to summer 2

Hello all
Welcome back to the last half-term of the reception year. We can't quite believe how fast this year has gone by. We hope that you have all had a relaxing half-term holiday and are enjoying today's beautiful sunny weather.
We have eight weeks left (yes, that's a long half-term, and we're sure both children and staff will be struggling by the end of it) to enjoy. Attached is a copy of next half-term's curriculum of learning. It's always a very busy half-term (school trip, sports day, summer performance) but we'll also make sure we put the time into preparing the children for their transition into Year One.
Could we kindly ask if you haven't already done so, to please complete the form for your child's trip to Rushcliffe. Once all forms are in, we can get helpers and groups organised.
We look forward to seeing you in the morning for our Crossdale Keys to Learning Day.
The Reception Team