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Year 1 Blog - Puffin Class

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  • Homework WB 12.01.25

    Published 11/01/25, by Claire Jones


    I hope you're all having a great weekend so far. 

    We have enjoyed our first week back and have heard all about your fantastic Christmas holidays. It has been lovely to start new topics and see the children really excited about their learning. 

    *Reading - Puffins are such a hard-working class and have settled back into daily phonics and reading routines.  As usual, books are always swapped on Mondays and Thursdays and as mentioned previously, please re-read those books a few times. We have noticed lots of the children need to really work on 'Fred in your head' instead of sounding out every word. If you notice this, just remind them to Fred in head! Thanks to all the families and children who completed the videos that were sent before the break.

    *Spelling this week is Spring 1, Week 2: /ar/ - car, start, park, arm, garden, artist, star, are*, were*, our*. Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games to help get to know these words really well.

    *Doodle - We have moved up the leader board to second place - whoo! We are now just 5% behind the Penguins (Year 3). Nearly there, Puffins! Keep working hard on your assignments and 5 a day challenges.

    Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

    Mrs Jones



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  • Homework WB 06.01.25

    Published 05/01/25, by Claire Jones
    Hello, A really happy new year to each of you - we hope it has been a super break for our families and you are ready for 2025! Already into spring term - this year is whizzing! *We will begin our new half-term with spring spellings week 1. Tomo
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    Published 20/12/24, by Jennie Morgan

    Wow Puffins, what a fabulous first term you have had in Year One! We are all really proud of the great progress you are making and the fabulous choices you make every day to be the best you can be.

    We hope you all have a lovely Christmas holiday and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

    The Year One Team :) 

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  • Key Information

    Published 18/12/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, We are busy getting organised for our new half term. Please find all of the key information on this blog post for the half term ahead. *Homework information (this will also come home in homework folders this week as a paper copy) *
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  • Homework WB 16.12.24

    Published 16/12/24, by Claire Jones


    Our final week before the holidays and I think we are all ready for a rest. The concerts last week were fantastic and we were so proud of all the singing and joining in from Year 1. We wish you a very happy Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing you in January.

    *Thank you for all the completed homework folders - we will give those out to you at the end of the week ready for Spring 1.

    *Reading - as mentioned, our phonics assessments are now complete. You should have received an email with details of gaps and consolidation from us. We will ensure all the children have a few books for the Christmas holidays. If you are able to use the videos and keep working on the phonics gaps, that will really help.

    *We will be working on all of our spelling rules from this half-term as a bit of 'revision' this week so no new words.

    *Doodle - Another super week on doodle - fantastic work! Try to keep your learning streaks going over the holidays.

    Mrs Jones

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  • Homework WB 09.12.24

    Published 07/12/24, by Claire Jones


    Hope you don't get blown away this weekend and have a great time!

    *Don't forget your carol concert tickets for the 11th / 12th December - we look forward to singing to you then! Please ensure children have a Christmas accessory for Wednesday - a hair band or a Christmas hat will be perfect.

    *We will collect homework from next week (Thursday 12th) and we will make a comment on the completed tasks and then give you a new pack for the next half-term. Please hand your folder into staff at the end of the week - thank you! We look forward to seeing what you have been doing at home.

    *Reading - we have now completed our phonics assessments and at some point this weekend, you will receive an email with details of some of the gaps your child has. We like to send you these videos to enable you to know where your child is at and how you can support them at home. They are also a fantastic resource because they teach in the same way that we do in school so they support your child perfectly at home and allow you to see what a phonics lesson looks like. We get asked a lot if children are on track with their reading. This is always something we are happy to talk to you about so please chat to myself or Mrs Morgan for more information. At this point in Year 1, we expect children to know: ay, ee, igh, ow, oo (look), oo (zoo), ow, ar, or, ir, air, ou, oy plus: ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e. By the end of the half-term, the expectation for Year 1 is that they can read pink books (the order is: red, green, purple, pink). Some of our purple readers will be moving to pink next week.

    As usual, books are always swapped on Mondays and Thursdays and as mentioned previously, please re-read those books a few times. Over the holidays, we will send you home with a few to keep you busy (ier!).

    *Spelling this week is Autumn 2, Week 6: /ie/ making the /igh/ and /ee/ sounds - lie, tie, pie, cried, tried, dried, chief, field, thief, shield. Please use the week 6 spelling sheet in your homework packs to complete your paper task.

    *Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games. You might have spotted that sometimes there are extra words on Spelling Shed. We like to try to remind chn of previous spellings to they return to them - this helps to embed the patterns. Particularly on weeks where the children have found words tricky. They are bonus words!

    *Doodle - Another super week on doodle - we are top of the school for being on target (72%) and we have earned the most stars this week, also! Amazing work, Puffins and look out for the winter challenge!

    *Just a reminder - your new homework topic linking to The Great Fire of London is in your new homework pack - there is still time to complete this, and you do only need to choose one task that really appeals to your child. 

    Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

    Mrs Jones

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  • Homework WB 02.12.24

    Published 29/11/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, Wishing you a happy weekend - another few busy weeks ahead before the holidays so I just wanted to be super organised with your homework post! *Don't forget your carol concert tickets for the 11th / 12th December - we look forwa
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  • Homework Blog WB: 25.11.24

    Published 23/11/24, by Claire Jones


    Hope you are all having a super weekend so far. It looks like the snow is behind us and rain ahead! 

    *With the recent weather, it seems fitting that we shared details of our carol concert yesterday. The children have been singing our Year 1 song in class - and sound amazing already! They have also been learning songs with the rest of the school so there will be some fabulous performances. We did some Christmas artwork for the hall display so you will be able to see that next week and you will notice more signs of the festive season, soon!

    *Reading - lots more completed Reading Journals in Year 1 this week (as well as stamp charts!). Please ensure your child reads regularly at home. This makes a huge difference to your child. Books are always swapped on Mondays and Thursdays and as mentioned previously, please re-read those books a few times.

    *Spelling this week is Autumn 2, Week 4 /ee/ and /e/: me, she, he, be, we, see, tree, green, meet, week. Please use the week 4 spelling sheet in your homework packs to complete your paper task. 

    *Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games. You might have spotted that sometimes there are extra words on Spelling Shed. We like to try to remind chn of previous spellings to they return to them - this helps to embed the patterns. Particularly on weeks where the children have found words tricky. They are bonus words!

    *Doodle - For the third week running, Puffins are the top users of doodle in school - absolutely wonderful! We are so proud of you all for being so consistent. Mrs Morgan and myself can tell becuase the children are super confident in lessons. Keep up the good work. Those few questions a day really do make a huge difference.

    *Just a reminder - your new homework topic linking to The Great Fire of London is in your new homework pack - there is lots of time to complete this, and you do only need to choose one task that really appeals to your child. There was lots of wonderful science homework from our last topic so well done to everyone who completed that. Last week we enjoyed 2 amazing pieces of artwork representing the fire and a song played on piano to the tune of 'London's Burning'. Well done to those children and we look forward to sharing more homework soon.

    See you on Monday.

    Mrs Jones

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  • Homework Blog WB 18.11.24

    Published 16/11/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, Here is your weekly homework blog. *Children have settled well into their new groups and are continuing to learn their phonics and to speedy read words. Please ensure you are reading regularly with your child and listening to them read,
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    Published 15/11/24, by Jennie Morgan

    Year 1 have been excellent writers today and have enjoyed recounting our walk around school yesterday.

    They remembered to include the features of our recount writing:

    - and to join ideas

    - past tense

    - time words

    As always we worked hard to follow our Year 1 rule kit:

    - full stops

    - capital letters

    - fingers spaces

    - sliding from the line

    - reading it back

    I think you can see from the examples below why we are so proud of all their hard work.

    Keep it up Year One!

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    Published 15/11/24, by Jennie Morgan

    What fun we had this morning meeting Pudsey today! He was very silly and we all enjoyed a good giggle. Here are some photos from when he came to meet us.

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  • Homework Blog WB 11/11/24

    Published 10/11/24, by Claire Jones


    I hope your weekend has been relaxing and that you're ready for school tomorrow.

    Few messages for this week:

    Tomorrow the whole school will be part of our Remembrance assembly - you might like to talk to your child about this ahead of or after. We will have a class chat about why we remember on 11th November at 11.

    Tuesday is our odd socks day and during the week we will cover lots about anti-bullying. An excellent opportunity to develop discussion and think about kindness.

    *Please ensure you are reading regularly with your child and listening to them read, too, to help them to apply their phonics learning. We know many of you do this daily, which is fantastic, but we do suggest a minimum of 3-5 times a week. We always recommend reading these a few times because that is when children read fluently and automatically. 

    *Spelling this week is Autumn 2, Week 2 (/ay/ and /oy/ - play, way, stay, today, says, boy, toy, enjoy, annoy, royal). All children have covered /ay/ and /oy/ in their reading so should be confident to read them and hopefully they remember the letters to use when spelling. 

    Please login to Spelling Shed to play some games and also use the sheet in your homework folders (week 2) for autumn 2 (your new homework pack). 

    *Doodle - The Puffins are in FIRST PLACE on the doodle leader board - whoo Puffins! You'll find new assignments as well as a few daily questions on your doodle account, please login and keep working on those key maths skills. Keep being brilliant, Puffins!

    *Just a reminder - your new homework topic linking to The Great Fire of London is in your new homework pack - there is lots of time to complete this, and you do only need to choose one task that really appeals to your child. There was lots of wonderful science homework from our last topic so well done to everyone who completed that.

    See you tomorrow!

    Mrs Jones

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