Homework WB:03/06/24

Here is your weekly homework post - welcome back! I'm looking forward to seeing the children in the morning and hearing about their news and holidays. Typical that the weather improves just in time for the return to school! Brand new half-term, that means only one thing...new topics are coming! All information about new topics, homework and curriculum coverage can be found in my previous blog.
**Forest Schools will be returning to our curriculum in Summer 2 - please ensure that your child has all the right clothes they need for this: waterproof coat, trousers and wellies. This will continue to be every Monday. **
Similarly, if your child took their PE kit home for a wash, please remember to send this back in for their lessons this week.
*Your 'special homework' for the week will be in homework books on Tuesday.
*Spelling activity this week is linked to week 1 - the consonant spelling /ph/ and /wh/ : dolphin, alphabet, phonics, elephant, when. where, which, wheel, while, white.
*Please listen to your child read at least 3 time a week. Please ensure you return old books on either Monday or Thursday and we will make sure children have 2 new books on those days.
*Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments. Well done for lots of hard work over the holidays, Starlings! You've earned so many stars and we have lots of children with really long streaks, too!
Mrs Jones