Weekly Homework WB 13/05/24

What a wonderful weekend! I hope you've been enjoying the sunshine whatever it is you've been up to!
*Your 'special homework' this week is personalised to each child - it is based on maths but I have tried to include and activity that I think will move your child on here. I hope you find this useful.
*Spelling activity this week is linked to week 5 - vowel trigraphs /air/ and /are/: air, fair, hair, pair, chair, bare, dare, care, share, scared.
*Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. New books will come home with you on Monday and Thursday. We have really enjoyed 'book club' weekly since Easter - please ensure children return these so that they can borrow new books in book club time this week. These books are marked as 'swap books'.
*Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments.
See you in the morning, Starlings!
Mrs Jones