Homework WB 15.04.24

I hope you've had a really lovely break and enjoyed spending time with your family. It finally looks like the weather is turning in time for us to start the summer term. I can hardly believe that we are already approaching summer 1. The year is going so quickly!
Here is your weekly homework post.
**Forest Schools will be returning to our curriculum in Summer 1 - please ensure that your child has all the right clothes they need for this: waterproof coat, trousers and wellies. This will be every Monday now. **
*Your 'special homework' will be in homework books as usual on Tuesday.
*Spelling activity this week is linked to week 1: /ou/and /ow/ : now, how, brown, down, town, out, about, mouth, sound, you. There are games that you can play on Spelling Shed to link to these words and there will be a homework sheet in homework books.
*Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. New books will come home with you on Monday and Thursday. Please send in any books to be returned on Mondays and Thursdays as well so that we can re-stock our shelves - especially after the holidays (thank you!).
*Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments.
Mrs Jones