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Homework WB 8.1.23


The children have settled back into school routines really well and have clearly had a brilliant holiday. It is great to be back in school with them and to hear about their holidays!

Reading: As usual, I have swapped books today so that you have some reading material. All children have new reading books for these and as usual, I will hand out new books on Thursday. All of the children have moved up a book colour, so they should have the next level, coming home with them too - great job, Starlings. Thank you to you all if you have used the videos that I sent home to help keep phonics fresh over the holidays.

Special homework: There is a new special homework task in their homework books which will come home with you tomorrow with a maths KIRFS document to look through.

Spellings: This week our spelling rule is words with the 'igh' sound: right, bright, light, night, fright, tight, high, by, I, my. These words are on Spelling Shed as games, so please try to log in a few times each week to play games with these to ensure your child is confident with these.

Doodle: I have set assignments on doodle linked to the maths we are covering in school.

There is a 'key information' blog which includes our new science knowledge organiser, spelling overview, homework and curriculum map for the half-term.

Have a great week. Please come and speak with me if you have any questions.

Mrs Jones.