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Homework WB 18.12.23


Just a quick blog about work for this week. It is short but busy one!

We have finished our spellings for this half-term, but I have set some recap words on Spelling Shed for those of you that are in the routine of using this and wish to continue to consolidate over the holidays. Please try to go on doodle to keep that fresh and up to date - if you can!

As usual, I have swapped books today so that you have some reading material for the holidays. I'll collect all books back in on Thursday when we return and give out some new ones then. I've sent phonics videos home to some of you so please try to use these resources to work through and help keep those sounds fresh.

I will not be setting any more special homework now until 2024! I hope you all have a wonderful break and enjoy time with your families. I will keep hold of the purple homework books but update those and send them home again as per usual routine on the first Tuesday after Christmas.

I'll send a new year blog over the holidays with key information for the term ahead. Until then, have a super and well deserved Christmas break.

Best wishes,

Mrs Jones.