Homework WB 4.12.23

Here is your weekly post with general messages and reminders for the week including information about homework.
*The knitted nativity story has come home to a few of you - we will be sharing those out again today.
*Christmas Carol Concert next Tuesday and Wednesday. We are asking as a whole school that children wear their school uniform (fleece/jumper or cardigan) plus a Christmassy accessory if possible. Please send those in from next Monday. Thanks! (The singing is sounding wonderful!).
*The children have been excited to be using their Roots to Reading books to record their home reading - thanks for helping to get the children so on board with this. Starlings Class are wonderful readers!
*Your 'special homework' this week is a story map of our class text of Rapunzel. Hopefully the children can talk you through our story before we start recycling it next week.
*Spelling activity this week is linked to week 5 of autumn 2 words: (ea spelling said in two different ways) - I have included a handwriting activity for this week.
*Please listen to your child read at least 3 time a week. New books will come home with you on Monday and Thursday. Please send in any books to be returned on Mondays and Thursdays as well so that we can re-stock our shelves.
*Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments. Children are doing brilliantly at this and The Starlings are one of the best classes in school!
Mrs Jones