Homework 16.10.23

Here is your weekly post with general messages and reminders for the week including information about homework. Thanks for all the completed homework tasks this week - the finger spaces and handwriting look amazing; I can tell the children worked hard and were keen to show you what we have been doing in school.
*Your 'special homework' for this week is to keep a short holiday log. This is not designed to be lengthy or for your child to write a great deal each day. Just a few sentences about key memories and trips out will help to keep all of their new learning about finger spaces, slides and using their sounds really fresh.
*Spelling activity this week is an extra week as we have completed all of our words for this half-term (I have added words to Spelling Shed so that your child can play games as well). I have used words that I have identified they are spelling incorrectly in their work, so I know these words will be helpful for children to use in their writing.
*Please listen to your child read at least 3 time a week. Please refer back to the reading blog I did last week if you are unsure about which books will come home with you.
*Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments. Hopefully, this is a quick activity for your child - it really does make such a difference to their maths fluency and helps their maths to become more automatic.
*Please ensure your forest schools kit including wellies are in school on Mondays and that PE kit is in school on Mondays and Fridays. Please feel free to leave kit in school now that we have our lovely, new cloakrooms where we have plenty of storage!
Mrs Jones