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Homework WB 09.10.23


Here is your weekly post with general messages and reminders for the week including information about homework.

I hope you enjoyed getting out and about, spotting signs of autumn this week. It certainly is on its way!

*Your 'special homework' for this week is to continue to practise using finger spaces between words. We have spent a good amount of time doing this in school to help present work really clearly. Please also remind your child about using their best slides in their work – another great chance to work on this, too!

*Spelling activity in homework books is a word search. Our spelling words are week 6 now – these should all be on Spelling Shed for you to access from today, too. They are: van, vet, visit, have, love, give, live, glove, above, nerve. Our words this week have the /v/ sound spelt as a /v/ but also as a /ve/.

*Please listen to your child read at least 3 time a week.

*Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments. Hopefully, this is a quick activity for your child - it really does make such a difference to their maths fluency and helps their maths to become more automatic.

*Please ensure your forest schools kit including wellies are in school on Mondays and that PE kit is in school on Mondays and Fridays. Please feel free to leave kit in school now that we have our lovely, new cloakrooms where we have plenty of storage!

*Our trip to Tamworth is this Wednesday. Just to confirm:

-children will need to wear school uniform, have a coat and be suitable dressed for any kind of weather we may have on the day!

-Please bring a water bottle for the day as well. Children will be walking from the car park to the castle which is a short distance so you could send your child with a small bag to carry all of their belongings. When we get to the castle, we can leave bags and coats in the Great Hall so they won't be carrying them all day.

-Please send a lunch box with your child if you have not ordered a school packed lunch (they will need to carry this)

-We will ask the children to arrive promptly for 8:45 / 50am so that we can ensure all have been to the toilet before boarding the coach at 9am. We will be back in time for the end of school.

I will upload photos from the trip when we return to school – I know we are very excited and enjoyed talking through some images online and discussing how we will stay safe when we are there.

Mrs Jones