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Year 1 Blog - Starling Class

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  • Homework 22.07.24

    Published 21/07/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, I can't believe I am writing the last homework post of the year. It has absolutely flown by but we know the children are ready for the next challenge. It's been a super year and I've so enjoyed teaching the children this ye
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  • Homework WB 15/07/24

    Published 14/07/24, by Claire Jones


    I hope you've all had a great weekend. 

    *Next week Mrs Morgan and I would like to treat the children to an ice cream (we are hoping to buy cones and ice cream with some different toppings). This will be a treat from us which we will do at some point during the final week (when the sun is shining!). Please let us know if you would rather your child did not have this treat. Unless we hear otherwise, we will assume everyone is happy for us to go ahead.

    *If you are able to help out at our DT afternoon on Thursday this week (1:15 - 3:15), we'd really appreciate your help. Please let myself or Mrs Morgan know. 

    *Please note this from the blog last week and please send clothes in a labelled bag tomorrow or Tuesday: In our school summer production of 'The Greatest Show', Year 1 are going to be part of the travelling fair. I don't want to give away too many surprises, but we will showcase some amazing talents on stage! Please could the children bring in some brightly coloured clothes to join in with this for the week beginning 15th July. Please ensure clothes come into school in a bag labelled clearly with their name. We hope this will be easy to gather and encourage you not to spend money on this! We might even be able to gather some bits between parents to help if you're really struggling with bright clothes (or just a bright top is fine, too).

    *Homework books - I will not update homework books anymore for this year but thank you for all your support with completing tasks with your children. We will ensure the children have a new reading journey for the summer holidays as well as some reading books. I will therefore send homework books home as usual on Tuesday but these can now stay at home. Miss Jackson operates a similar homework system in Year 2 and will give more details in September.

    *Spellings this week - we have now completed our spellings for the year. We will continue to work on some tricky words in our phonics groups and use these in our writing.

    *Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Please ensure you return old books on either Monday or Thursday and we will make sure children have 2 new books on those days. Don't forget to send back the school swap books, too. We love having lots to choose from when we do book club! We'd like all books returned before the holidays so that we can tidy up our shelves and re-stock over the summer. For some children, we will be sending phonics video links for you to continue working on during the summer - these will be sent next week and we will email separetly about this.

    *Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments that have been set by us. 

    See you in the morning,

    Mrs Jones

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    Published 11/07/24, by Jennie Morgan

    Wow Year One! What great bakers you all are!

    We all enjoyed making our oat cookies today and lots of the children really enjoyed the taste of them. The smell in school this afternoon was amazing!

    I have included the recipe below if you would like to have a go at home. As part of our evaluation, the children had to think about any changes they might make so they may enjoy the opportunity to try their idea at home. 

    Air-fryer oat cookies | Jamie Oliver recipes

    We hope you enjoy seeing the photos of us with our final bakes.


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  • Homework WB 08/07/24

    Published 07/07/24, by Claire Jones


    The children might have told you about our special voting at school to celebrate the general elections (and new prime minister) last week. To help the children understand how voting works, we gave all children at school a token and a choice of four treats they might like. Linking to our British Values (democracy), all children have voted and hopefully have a better understanding of the voting process for adults! We will see which one has the most votes tomorrow and then which treat has been chosen. Stay tuned!

    In our school summer production of 'The Greatest Show', Year 1 are going to be part of the travelling fair. I don't want to give away too many surprises, but we will showcase some amazing talents on stage! Please could the children bring in some brightly coloured clothes to join in with this for the week beginning 15th July. Please ensure clothes come into school in a bag labelled clearly with their name. We hope this will be easy to gather and encourage you not to spend money on this! We might even be able to gather some bits between parents to help if you're really struggling with bright clothes (or just a bright top is fine, too).

    *Your 'special homework' for the week will be in homework books on Tuesday. 

    *Spelling activity this week is linked to week 6 - Common Exception Words. These words are tricky because they don't follow a rule (or are spelling rules the children will learn much later on) but they are words that we will need to remember and come up a lot in their ideas and then writing. Perhaps you can think of some good ways to remember these words to help them stick - and children can share these in class. We will talk about different ideas in school as well as we return to spellings daily. All can be found on Spelling Shed and an activity will come home with you in your child's homework book.

    *Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Please ensure you return old books on either Monday or Thursday and we will make sure children have 2 new books on those days. Don't forget to send back the school swap books, too. We love having lots to choose from when we do book club!

    *Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments that have been set by us. 

    See you in the morning,

    Mrs Jones

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  • Homework WB 01/07/24

    Published 30/06/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, I hope you've had a great weekend. Good to see so many of you at Football Fun on Friday night and so many children joining in with games - well done to all! Huge congratulations to Starling Class for being the top doodlers - amazing
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    Published 28/06/24, by Jennie Morgan

    Wow! What an incredible time we have had during Healthy Living Week! Thank goodness we had wonderful weather to enjoy it all.

    The children have really enjoyed trying lots of activities and hopefully they have been inspired to try some of these sports at home or at local clubs. Watching the children do yoga was a real highlight of the week, they were so focused!

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  • Homework 24.06.24

    Published 23/06/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, What a glorious weekend - so glad to have some good weather with our healthy living week ahead. *Sports Day on Wednesday - you are welcome to come and watch the competitive sports in the morning. We are still keen for more helpers in the
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  • Homework 17/06/24

    Published 16/06/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, I hope you've all had a good weekend and ready for another great week. Don't forget that we have two INSET days at the end of the week so school is closed to pupils on Thursday and Friday. Staff will be working hard in school,
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  • Homework: 10/06/24

    Published 10/06/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello, Here is your weekly homework post! *Your 'special homework' for the week will be in homework books on Tuesday and is linked to maths (arithmetic questions). There is some space for the children to draw jottings if they need to do
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    Published 06/06/24, by Jennie Morgan

    Wow Year One! What a fabulous start to this half term! We have been really impressed with the maths work this week as we have started to focus on the numbers between 50 and 100. Year One will be counting to 100 lots and we use Jack Hartmann videos (found on YouTube) that we love to practice this. It would be really helpful if you could encourage your child to practice their counting to 100 at home.

    I am attaching our summer 2 KIRF so you can see a summary of the key facts we will be covering this half term. You will notice that money and time take up a big part of our learning. The children will need lots of practical opportunities to become confident with money and time telling so any bits you can do at home would be greatly appreciated.

    As mentioned previously I will be in touch soon to kindly request help with our DT days.

    Mrs Morgan

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  • Homework WB:03/06/24

    Published 02/06/24, by Claire Jones


    Here is your weekly homework post - welcome back! I'm looking forward to seeing the children in the morning and hearing about their news and holidays. Typical that the weather improves just in time for the return to school! Brand new half-term, that means only one topics are coming! All information about new topics, homework and curriculum coverage can be found in my previous blog.

    **Forest Schools will be returning to our curriculum in Summer 2 - please ensure that your child has all the right clothes they need for this: waterproof coat, trousers and wellies. This will continue to be every Monday. **

    Similarly, if your child took their PE kit home for a wash, please remember to send this back in for their lessons this week.

    *Your 'special homework' for the week will be in homework books on Tuesday.

    *Spelling activity this week is linked to week 1 - the consonant spelling /ph/ and /wh/ : dolphin, alphabet, phonics, elephant, when. where, which, wheel, while, white.

    *Please listen to your child read at least 3 time a week. Please ensure you return old books on either Monday or Thursday and we will make sure children have 2 new books on those days.

    *Try to stay in the green zone on doodle by completing your '5 a day' and your assignments. Well done for lots of hard work over the holidays, Starlings! You've earned so many stars and we have lots of children with really long streaks, too!

    Mrs Jones

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  • Information for Summer 2

    Published 29/05/24, by Claire Jones
    Hello,  I hope you're enjoying the holiday - now that the sun seems to have come out! Below, I have attached all the key information for the half-term ahead. I can't believe this is the last half-term with the Starlings before they
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