Please find attached this week's spellings for next Monday's spelling test (24.02.25). For this week, your child has spelling activity (to be completed independently) and a Maths revision activity to refresh their understanding of counting and adding equal groups.
Please have a look at your child's reading book for this week and encourage your child to keep revisiting it when they can. For our phonics lessons this spring, we are now using comprehension booklets which your child will take home on each week (the day may change now and again due to our weekly timetable) as a storybook replacement. This is along with a new phonics book, a new challenge tree book and book band book. I have already set Doodlemaths tasks for this week and lastly, don't forget to keep on using Spelling Shed a few minutes at a time.
'Show and tell' this week will be on Thursday as this Friday is an INSET day.
Have a great last week!
- Miss Jackson