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It's the last week of half-term! Thank you for your ongoing support to complete home learning. It's been wonderful to see the many creations the children share with us.

Please find attached this week's spellings for next Monday's spelling test (19.02.24). For this week, your child has one spelling activity handwriting sheet (to be completed independently) and a Maths revision activity which shouldn't take your child too long to finish and complete (the majority of it) independently. Please continue with reading at home as well as Doodlemaths and Spelling Shed for a few minutes at a time. I shall be looking at top Doodlers again the week we are back. Again, most of these online tasks are set so your child is able to complete these by themselves. 

Also, please encourage your child to write about their half-term holiday in their homework books. We all really enjoy listening to the cool activities that each other have been up to.  This task also keeps your child's writing skills fresh. Ensure your child checks their writing makes sense, full stops, capital letters and finger spaces are included in the correct place.

Have a great week! 

- Miss Jackson