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Please find attached this week's spellings for next Monday's spelling test (20.11.23). This week's spelling rule focusses on words that end in -il or -al. As always, thank you for your ongoing commitment to ensure your child's learning remains continuous. We always look forward to 'Show and Tell' Mondays. 

For this week, your child has only one spelling activity sheet (to be completed independently) and a Maths sheet (with some parental guidance for those children which require extra support). Both of these shouldn't take your child too long to finish and complete (the majority of it) independently. I have only provided one spelling activity as I encourage you to continue using Spelling Shed as much as possible. Please continue with reading at home as well as Doodlemaths (set assignments on Fridays). Again, most of these online tasks are set so your child is able to complete these by themselves.

As a reminder of a previous blog post, your child came home with a Castles Topic homework sheet. Children are to complete at least one of the activities and for this to be shared by 15/12/23. As the children have really enjoyed their Castles topic, we have provided a list of activities for your child to choose from and complete at least one before the deadline date. 

Have a great week! 

- Miss Jackson