Homework wb 19.06.23

Homework and reminders for this week:
We've had a good start to the new week in Year One.
*Your weekly spelling and ‘special homework’ activity can be found in your child’s purple book which will come home with you on Tuesday. Our special homework this week is linked to our science topic about plants and should be a lovely reason to be out in the garden in this lovely weather.
*Spelling Shed is set up and ready to go also so please log in and play games using that website. Apologies for the problems last week - I am not sure what happened to our weekly words but they are all ready to go for the week now. Our spellings this week are words with the endings -s and -es.
*Our lovely PTA have bought the children a bag of milky way stars to congratulate them on completing the phonics screening last week. Those will go home tomorrow with a big 'well done' from us all. The children all did their absolute best and have worked hard all year which really showed when they did this last week. We will update you in your child's report with their scores.
*Synagogue Trip - Please pay on schoolmoney for this. More details to follow shortly RE lunch orders. We will be leaving school at approx 9:30am and back during the lunch hour.
*Please see seperate blog about costume for the play - exciting times!
*Please ensure your child has suncream before the come to school (they shouldn't then need to re-apply during the school day) and that they have their sun hats - particularly in this weather!
*Try to keep in the green zone on doodle by using it every day. There are assignments set every few days to help keep our learning in class really fresh. I have set these periodically to return to concepts a few days / weeks / months from teaching deliberately to build that confident knowledge.
*Ensure your child reads regularly to an adult. Please keep the book bag books for a few days so that your child can re-read the text. This helps to build fluency, and they will be able to show you their story voice! Don’t forget to fill in your reading journeys to keep track of what you are reading.
*New topic homework – due by the end of the half-term. Well done for those who have already completed this and sent it in in their purple homework books.
*Please remember that your child needs their full Forest Schools kit each Monday – children will be going out whatever the weather.
All of your other, whole school updates can be found on the Crossdale News blog.
Mrs Jones