Homework post

Homework and reminders for this week:
Your weekly spelling and ‘special homework’ activity can be found in your child’s purple book which will come home with you on Tuesday. Great job on those robots from last week – I can see that the children have made a really super effort to do this problem solving activity.
*Our spelling rules this week relates to the digraphs ‘ue’ and ‘ew’ – please see the activity (cut and stick) in homework books and games set via Spelling Shed for you to use, also.
*I have sent some additional phonics videos for some children using the gaps identified from their phonics assessments. I hope you find these useful and that it helps to keep all phonics and reading really fresh while we are off school.
*Our ‘special homework’ task this week is Easter themed – I hope you enjoy it together!
*Try to keep in the green zone on doodle by using it every day. There are assignments set every few days to help reinforce learning in class. I have set these periodically to return to concepts a few days / weeks / months from teaching deliberately to build that confident knowledge. Penguins are top users of this app – we have some wonderful ‘streaks’ and so many children with many, many stars! (we are top class for usage and stars again this week!!!)
*Ensure your child reads regularly to an adult. Please keep the book bag books for a few days so that your child can re-read the text. This helps to build fluency and they will be able to show you their story voice! Don’t forget to fill in your reading journeys to keep track of what you are reading and so that we can celebrate at school with a trip to the office for a sticker! We have now purchased some additional books, so we can send home the same books that we are reading in school. Your child should bring plenty of confidence to these – I hope you enjoy listening to them read.
*Topic homework – due by the end of the half-term please…New homework will be sent out after the holidays for our topic!
*Unfortunately Jenni from Wild Things, Keyworth was unwell last week so she had to cancel the session. We still went outside last week to explore our area now that spring has sprung (believe it or not!) and she has rescheduled to Wednesday 29th March instead. Thanks for being so organised and sending chn in kit last week – please can you do the same for next Wednesday?! Thanks!
*Eggciting plans are in store for Friday – please take note of details from Mrs Westie via emails.
All of your other, whole school updates can be found on the Crossdale News blog. We hope you like the new format!
Have a super week, Mrs Jones.
After Easter:
*The first homework blog from me after the holidays will update you on:
-our termly curriculum using the curriculum map format
-our half-term overview of spellings
-our new topic homework (I will stick this into purple books, too)
-new ‘knowledge organisers’ for our history topic and our new learning in science