Weekly and Half termly Homework Updates

Homework and key messages for the half term ahead – Week Beginning 20/2/2023
It is lovely to have the children back after half-term. Today they have done some news writing to tell me about their half-terms and it certainly sounds like they have had a wonderful break from school – I hope you have all enjoyed yourselves. You’ve definitely all been busy!
Well done for all of the super topic homework that came in during the last half-term. This half-term our topic homework links to our science topic about amazing animals. You will find a copy of this in your purple books and also attached to this blog. This homework can be returned via your purple homework book when your child has done this - the deadline for this is the end of the half-term. This topic is ongoing from last half term but we will return to our Seasonal Changes in a few weeks when the signs of Spring are a little more consistent!
This half-term we have book week (including a dress up day for world book day) and science week – lots of lovely activities to help children engage in those subjects during these special weeks. The travelling book fair will be in school from 23rd February and with us until 1st March. You will be able to pop into school before and after school to choose books should you wish to. School benefits from these purchases and we very much appreciate being able to use any commission towards new books for our classrooms. More details about each of these can be found on Penguins blog as we will update further closer to the days. Look out for the various competitions running in line with each of these weeks and also the £1 book token that will be coming home with you (I will pop this into the purple books to keep it safe tomorrow). As we lead up to Easter, you can look forward to another Penguin hosted assembly. The children will be learning Easter songs in our singing assemblies starting this Wednesday so hopefully they will sing you those at home, too!
Our special homework task this week is about pancake day. There is a reading comprehension activity and a suggested written activity (instructions or write about how children enjoy their pancakes) as well. I love the food homework best, myself! In our base assembly, we will be covering Palm Sunday and the Easter story so they should be well versed by our Easter break.
Please note all of the weekly spellings can be found on Spelling Shed to help your child play and enjoy getting to know these words. I have set them up for the half term ahead so these words should now automatically change on a Monday (that is when I first teach our new 10 words). We do not test the children in Y1 however the daily exposure at school and homework activities (Spelling Shed and printed activities in homework books) help children to understand rules and strategies for learning words. Towards the end of this half term, we will do some ‘fun’ tests on whiteboards to begin preparations for Y2 when children will have a weekly quiz on a Monday. I have attached a copy of this half terms spellings for your information.
Penguins are wonderful doodlers, too! When I last checked, we were the top doodling class meaning we have most children completing assignments and their 5 a day challenges – keep it up! I have set some more weekly assignments linking to both our current learning and previous topics (to help keep it fresh!)
Library Visit
See previous posts about our library trip – please hand me your child’s library card on Monday or Tuesday morning if they would like to borrow a book on Tuesday 21st. Parent helpers, please be in school for 1:30pm so that I can run through all the necessary health and safety instructions. We are expected at the library for 2pm and will be able to stay there for at least 30 mins. We will be returning to school in time for the end of the school day. Thanks again for all of your support with this visit!
I know you are all aware that as of this week I will be teaching in Y1 full time until Easter – I am looking forward to teaching art, ICT and PSHE with the children on Thursdays and Fridays.
Attached: Half termly spelling overview, Book competition, Amazing Animals homework