Library Visit - Tuesday 21st Feb, 2pm
Exciting news!
During our book week, all classes at Crossdale will visit Keyworth library. Penguin class will visit on Tuesday 21st February at 2pm. We would love to have helpers from 1:30pm until we return to school on that day to help accompany us. Please let us know if you are able to help out! (thank you!). We will talk with the librarian about facilities in the library, have a look at different books there and also enjoy a story there.
We know that lots of children already visit the library regularly and will have library cards. Please send your child to school with their card on this day so that they can borrow a book during our visit. If you pass it to myself on the morning of 20th / 21st February, I will carry them to and from the library to keep them safe and return them home with your child that day.
Thanks, Mrs J