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23.1.23 Homework Blog


Homework, as usual, can be found in the purple homework book. Thank you for all the books that were handed in today with completed work - you're all amazing!

*Stay in the green zone on doodle (assignments are set from your teachers - and can be set from parents using their linked account information) - Penguins use doodle very well and we are always blown away by the number of stars children receive and the long streaks! 

*Read to a grown up (at least 3 times) - we have had so many children complete their reading journeys as well this week - well done!

*Do your spelling homework (Spelling Shed activities are set, too). We have set assignments out of line with the weekly homework - this is so that children continue to practise words from previous weeks to help them learn these better)

*Topic homework if not yet complete

*Special homework activity

You will have seen from the Crossdale News that we will no longer be using SeeSaw as a platform for sharing work but please do continue to use the purple books for homework and check our Penguins blog each week, too! All non urgent information should be sent to the office now and any urgent messages phoned to the office.

Year 1 Team