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Welcome back! I hope you all had a super Easter break and managed to relax with family and friends. This new term we have a lot of new and exciting topics for the children to learn and we are all very much looking forward to warmer weather as the weeks progress.  

Please remember to keep reminding your child to practice their weekly spellings in preparation for our Monday spelling tests. Physical spelling sheets are provided every Monday for your child to take home and learn, ready for the following Monday. There are also the termly overviews of the spellings in the back of your child's Reading Roots Record Book. 

This first week back, the children will receive a new homework sheet (History) for this half-term. Please complete at least three different activities to bring into show and tell afternoons (Monday) to share with the rest of the class - if your child is feeling extra creative they are more than welcome to complete more than three activities. The more the merrier. 

Please continue to keep an eye out on Doodle Maths as assignments are regularly added and using the website often is great practice for keeping learning fresh, especially in preparation for the upcoming Year 2 SATs in May. 

As part of out Year 2 SATs prep, the children will be provided with some extra worksheets (additional if requested) to help support their learning and ensure they feel a little more confident within their areas of learning.

Below you shall find attached all the key documents for this half-term.