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Super Spelling Mission!

From now until the end of Year Two we are going to be having a real push on becoming super duper spellers!

Each week a list of words to learn will be sent home. We will work on these at school but also they need to be learnt at home and then will be tested on Monday so we can feel proud of all the new words we have learnt to spell!

Each week there will also be a spelling rule to investigate. For example this week it is to challenge yourself to spell words with a soft c. I won't be giving a word list for the spelling rule as I'd like the children to investigate and find words that follow this rule, then have a go at remembering some. These will be bonus spelling words in the test on Mondays!  There are three different lists each week and each child will be working on a list at their appropriate level to hopefully boost confidence and optimise learning.

Have fun and many thanks for your support at home with this!

Mrs Westie :)