Homework Set 24.5.24

Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
Have a have a wonderful half-term, Lime Class!
Here are just a few activities to keep you feeling confident about your key skills upon our return for our final term :)
DoodleMaths: x3 assignments:
-Add with carrying to the thousands column using column addition
-Column subtraction: 4 digits, with exchanging
- Use column multiplication: 3-digits by 1-digit, with carrying
Times Tables
Your child has been handed a paper copy of their times tables fluency (speed of recall) progress since the last print out handed to parents at Parents Evening.
Please have a look through this together (child and parent) so that your times tables practice over the holidays is targeted to support the times tables in with which we need a little more practice (any coloured in orange, red or grey on the heat map).
Spelling shed
Please complete 2 assignments which should help you to remember some of those trickier challenge words from our year so far! (please note: we will not be quizzed on these, this is to support our recall for our summer term end of year quiz)
- year 3/4 spelling words list 1
- year 3/4 spelling words list 2