Homework set 22.3.24

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Hello all,
This is a breakdown of the homework set today:
ENGLISH HOMEWORK: As we will not be here next Friday to hand in the Reading Journal, I thought we could make use of this week's homework to prepare for a text we are writing next week! Your child has a sheet of paper (attached below incase they loose it), on which I would like them to plan their next piece of English writing. "How to care for a (chosen pet)". They need to bring this back for our lesson on Monday, so it is weekend homework please.
SPELLING - Spelling Shed assignment practice or LSCWC sheet - ( year 3 and 4 challenge words). Please show the teacher if you have practised on paper.
DOODLEMATHS: regular DoodleMaths practice and assignment "Identify fraction equivalents"
X TABLES: Doodletables or TTRS practice. Please practice studio at least once a week.