Minibeast safari

Welcome back to all the children, parents and cares in Reception. We have an action packed half term ahead. Here are a few key messages.
Firstly, thank you for all the lovely diaries that have come into school so far this week. The children have been keen to show off their hard work and writing skills, as well as sharing their news with the class.
Look out for the new Curriculum Map that will be coming home in book bags that will outline the following 7 weeks.
The children have already been on a mini east safari and are very excited about learning more about them.
Camping Day- on Friday 21st June we will be setting up a Reception camp for the day. We will be spending the day outside exploring more of our mini beast activities. The children won’t need to bring/order lunches we are organising packed lunch boxes for an outdoor picnic. The children can wear suitable outdoor ( non uniform) clothes, can bring a blanket/sleeping bag and a teddy. We have some beach shelters and pop up tents but if you have one we can borrow please let us know.
Many Thanks
Mrs Mellor and Mrs Ingle