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Homework tasks (WB 27.3.23)

Here are this week's homework tasks:

Spellings: Our spelling rule this week is converting nouns or adjectives into verbs by adding the -en suffix. Please complete your spelling columns and Spelling Shed assignment over the Easter holidays. I will also set another assignment containing High Frequency Words which I will test you on after Easter (both due Monday 17th April).

VIPERS: VIPERS journals are now going out on a Friday and are due the following Friday. Your VIPERS focus for this week 'E' for Explain. This went home on Friday and is due in this Friday (31.3.23). I will set more VIPERS tasks for over the Easter holidays.

My Maths: My Maths will go up this Friday and will be due after the Easter holidays.

TTRS: keep practising 3-4x per week to make sure you are super whizzy!

Have a great week!

Miss S.