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Sea Creature Research Project

As part of our English work we are learning all about how to write non-chronological reports - writing all about facts and finding the answers to interesting questions!

As our topic is about St Lucia we are learning about the habitats in and around the island. In class we have been learning about sharks and as a homework challenge I would like the children to research a sea creature of their choice. We have watched a short clip from the BBC's Blue Planet series which is available on the iplayer to find out a little bit about the oceans and it would be a super opportunity to visit the local library to borrow some non-fiction books.

For the project the children are asked to find out what their creature looks like and to find a few facts about them, for example, What do they eat? What are their young called? How do they protect themselves in the seas and oceans? etc.

I'm not expecting a presentation or essay just a few notes, bookmarked pages in a book or a print out.

Many thanks and have fun researching!

Mrs Westie