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A visitor today...

Frank, an elf, came to visit us in Y1 today. He wrote to us and told us he would be here until Christmas. He is giving us learning challenges each day. Today, we had to show him how to form all the letters in his name correctly and re-tell a story. We also had to write a diary entry to tell Santa about what he has been up to because Santa wants to know he is doing the right things.

Have a look at these lovely welcome messages we wrote him (we practised using finger spaces and using our best handwriting) and then wrote about how he came to be in our classroom. The children were really on board and the writing was fantastic! We are all looking forward to seeing what activities he sets for us tomorrow.

Please keep an eye on the blog on Saturday and Sunday as there will be a writing challenge each day. The diaries will go home with children at the end of the week so you can find out more and fill it in over the weekend...!

Mrs Jones