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Welcome back and welcome to Year Five!

Hello lovely Maple Class!

I hope you had a lovely summer and managed to enjoy the little bit of sunshine that we did get! I am really looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday and starting our journey through Year Five together! I just thought I would put a quick blog post together to explain a few key details for the start of the year.

- You will enter and exit school through the Y5/6 door on the front playground.

- Please ensure you bring your PE and Forest Schools kits into school by Thursday. Our PE days this term are Monday and Thursday, so please ensure you have it in school for those days. Forest Schools will be on a Thursday afternoon with Mrs Deegan.

- Remember your water bottles and lunch boxes (if you are a packed lunch). These will be placed in trays outside the Y5 classroom. 

- You are welcome to bring a pencil case into school, but there is plenty of equipment on your desks.

- Grown-ups: if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office or on the playground! I will upload a blog post shortly about the key learning for this half-term as well as homework tasks, so please look out for that.

I look forward to seeing you all on tomorrow. 

Miss Spencer :)