Farewell from Mrs Westie!

Well, it may have been one of the strangest years of my career as a teacher but lockdown 2020 will always be the year that I was lucky enough to teach marvellous maple class and that is something that I will always treasure.
I may have not been with them for long but I have loved every minute and I'm sure that you all know what wonderfully creative, kind and hard working children you have. It has been simply joyful and I know that they will be a class that continue to flourish as they move through Crossdale.
I know that they are in very safe hands with the lovely Mrs Morgan and I'll be sneaking a look into the Year One bubble to say hello at any chance that I get!
Take care and thank you for being a lovely group of parents to work with, it's been lovely getting to know you all better.
Mrs Westie :)