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New Start and Finish Times

From Monday 17th May we have new start and finish times, as outlined on our 'Crossdale Roadmap out of lockdown'.

Last week in the Crossdale News we highlighted that from Monday 17th May 2021, we would revert to start at finish times that resemble something similar to what we used to have, prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

As of Monday 17th May 2021, the morning drop-off window will be between 8:50am and 9am.  Children will be able to go straight into their classrooms as they arrive, where a teacher or TA will be present to supervise them with a 'morning activity'.  We ask that parents / carers do not 'hang around' on the playground, but that once your child is inside their classroom, you leave the school site promptly, so as to avoid over crowding on the playgrounds. Registration will be at 9am and any child arriving after this time will be marked as late in the register.

At the end of the day, all children will be dismissed at 3:30pm. The school gate will be open from 3:25pm for parents / carers to go onto the playground to wait for your child / children. As soon as your child has been dismissed to you, please leave the school site promptly.  Children should not be allowed to go on the play equipment or onto the field.  We know that for some of our older children, you will have made arrangements with them to meet you at a given point, or that they will be walking home by themselves.  If this is something that you will be introducing with your child from next week, please email your child's class teacher so that they are aware of what pick-up arrangements are in place.

We ask that all parents / carers coming onto the school site continue to wear a face-covering as you have been doing, and we thank you for your support with this. Please continue to be mindful and respectful of social distancing when on the school site.

Attached below is a copy of our 'Roadmap out of Lockdown', if you have missed this in the last two newsletters.