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First Day Back - 8.3.21

What a great first day back!

Hello everyone, it has been fantastic to welcome the children back today and catch up with them all. 

We began the day with a PSHE-based activity to help us find out even more about our friends and classmates, such as their favourite breakfast meal...! We then reviewed our learning from our English Oak unit on The Viewer to practise our descriptive writing skills ready for writing about our own viewer later in the week. In maths we then re-capped on the tricky topics that we have been doing in class and online - fractions! 

This afternoon we transported ourselvles back to ancient Greece to test some of the models and theories that Aristotle had proposed to prove that the Earth is round. The children then wrote their own conclusions from their investigations, just like Aristotle did! 

We finished off the day celebrating the children's achievements during lockdown in our Lockdown Learning awards ceremony, which was the perfect opportunity to congratulate the children on all of their hard work over the course of the last few months. 


Thank you to adults at home for supporting your child's learning during lockdown. 

Have a great start to the week.