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Welcome Back Cherry Class!

Information for the return to school

Hi all,  I hope that you have had a great summer. To prepare you for the return to school, I have attached a short powerpoint to remind you of what to bring with you and where to line up. I have also recorded a short video with some more detail and news about a new adult working with us in class. School will open at 9.10am for Year 5, so please make sure that you drop your child off at this time and not at 9am as we are trying to keep different classes separate. We are keeping school as safe as we can so we are asking for children not to bring in a pencil case. 

I am looking forward to seeing you all! For the first few days back, I will be teaching the children through the screen as unfortunately mandatory quarantine was re-introduced on my trip to Spain this summer.... I booked a new flight back to get home earlier so will be back in with the children on Thursday once my quarantine is over. 

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns about the return to school and I will hope to answer them. See you all very soon, Mr B :)