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Friday Friendships

Forging links with our German, Finnish and Italian colleagues 

Today has been the last day of our course at the institute. We were sad to say goodbye to our fellow students but we have swapped our contact details so that we can keep in touch with the friends that we have made from Finland, Italy and Germany.

We have also explored mindfulness when eating by learning to use all of our senses before eating a piece of food. We reinforced all of the exercises that we have learnt over the course of the week and shared some ideas for fun games with the children. We were amazed at how much we had improved our flexibility and ability to be mindful compared with the start of the week.

En route to our training we came across a number of palm trees with monk parakeets in them. We have posted a picture of them and their nests below.

We shared a range of resources that we can use back in school with our classes, at home and with our colleagues. We are looking forward to sharing these resources and exercises with you when we come back. 
Our challenge for you today is to make the time to appreciate your friends and family this weekend.

See you soon!
Crossdale-Erasmus Team